So what happened in all those years? I used to maintain this website when I was a young professional working for a big consultancy firm. During that time, I worked at a client in the financial industry on their flagship app for iOS and Android as a test automation engineer. I can already see your question mark, so let me explain. In short, I was solely responsible for the test automation for both the iOS and Android apps. I initially worked with Appium and Selenium, but later switched to a native solution that used XCUITest for iOS and Espresso for Android. The two platform development teams grew and eventually evolved into multiple feature teams, so my work expanded as well. Ultimately, I was part of a team responsible for automating all the regression tests to assist the QA engineers during regression cycles. We developed a framework that allowed each feature team’s QA to easily automate their own regression tests by writing test scripts in Gherkin and running them through our framework. We even had a Jenkins pipeline that ran the tests every night. In the end, our team was dissolved because the feature teams became responsible for their own regression tests.
During this journey, I also delivered presentations and workshops at various conferences. I presented our experiences with test automation and the challenges we faced with different feature teams at CAST 2016 in Vancouver, Canada. Besides this great adventure over seas, I also conducted a workshop in Nieuwegein, Netherlands, at the TestNet conference. I used this website to share insights I gained from these conferences and what I learned during my daily work as a young professional.
Fast forward to 2024: I’m still working in IT, but this time as a native Android developer at a finance company since 2019. For my personal development, I decided to revive my blog as a platform to share my experiences and showcase code examples on various topics.
In the coming months, my plan is to cover every aspect of clean code, including examples in an Android project.
So let’s continue the journey I started in 2015, and see you all on the other side of the screen!
The Carlo